Online Learning Platform – Design and Setting-up

The IT and Media team behind CoachEd6 has started its way to design the learning platforms necessary for the Award in Sports Coaching (MQF/EQF 6) which will start in October 2021.

Following the work done by the team of academic experts (MCAST, SDU, MSKU and RU) on the learning programme of Unit 1: Introduction to Sports Coaching, the IT and Media team could start the design and setting up of the foundations of the online learning structure. Taking that this sports coaching award will be taking a Blended Learning approach, it is very important for the applicant learners to have a good online learning platform. The IT and Media team are making use of the IT infrastructure existing at the Malta College of Arts Science and Technology, and are setting up this online learning platform with the use of MS Teams, Moodle and Classter.

While this award has its online components, the academic experts who besides their expertise in Sport Science, all have a substantial pedagogical experience, are making their best to make this course one which boasts on the practical nature sport coaching exists in. This is a pre-requisite for a coaching course as this 24 ECTS Award in Sports Coaching (MQF/EQF 6) as being provided by CoachEd6.

For this to be obtained, the academic experts behind CoachEd6 have framed the learning process in a set of learning methodologies, which take both a national and an international dimension, which at the end of the day is one of the objectives of the Erasmus+ projects. The methodologies being applied within this course cover a wide spectrum, and are framed within the following methods of learning:

  1. Self Led
  2. Peer Learning
  3. Online Lectures – with international experts providing lectures, workshops, talks etc.
  4. Learners’ Presentations and discussions
  5. On the Job learning experiences
  6. Weekend Schools in the four partner countries.

To make the course even more interactive, these methodologies may take either the national or the international dimensions. While in certain parts of the units learners will be meeting with other learners from their same University, some other parts will have all the learners studying in any of the four partner countries, joining online fora and following lectures, participating in workshops and discussing within an international forum.

Here at CoachEd6 we are more than excited to launch the applications of this MQF/EQF Level 6 award in Sports Coaching – and more than that, we are all very excited to start the course coming October.

Huge thanks goes to the IT and Media team who have now started off this exciting process. We look forward to more in the coming weeks.
Exciting days ahead!

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