As the initial part of Phase 2 of CoachEd6, it was time to launch the MCAST Award in Sports Coaching in the four participating Higher Educational Institutions. On October 1st, all the learners from Mugla Sitki Kocman University (MSKU), Reykjavik University (RU), The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and MCAST had been gathered online for the first time. As from that day many were the synchronous and asynchronous lectures that the learners had to follow. The interaction between these lifelong learning coaches had been ongoing both on a national and an international level.

The learners from Iceland and Malta met for a weekend school between Friday 29th and Sunday 31st October 2021 while the learners from Turkey and Denmark met for a weekend school in their respective countries between Friday 5th and Sunday 7th November. As part of the exchange programme existing between the academics on this project, Dr Louise Kamuk Storm from SDU joined Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo for the weekend school in Malta. Later on, Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo visited MSKU in Turkey while Dr Ender Senel travelled to SDU, to support in the delivery and running of weekend schools in the respective visited countries. This exchange programme is thought at the further development of sports academics within the field of sports coaching.

As part of their pracitcal assessment for the first unit, An Introduction to Sports Coaching, in groups, learners from all the four countries presented to each other an Evaluation of Sports Coaching as a Profession. Every individual has also worked on a ‘publishable’ essay about Epistemology in Sports Coaching. In the coming weeks every coach from the four countries will be presenting his/her own Sports Coaching Philosophy (using the coaching philosophy building blocks developed by CoachEd6 academics, and/or the 5C’s https://the5cs.co.uk/coaches/the-5cs/what-are-the-5cs/). FInally, by the end of the year, in groups, all coaches will be working on a PODCAT in which they will discuss Sports Coaches’ Roles, Responsibilities and Competences.