From the four units making the Award in Sports Coaching designed and eventually delivered by CoachEd6, Unit 1, An Introduction to Sports Coaching, was the first unit to obtain a fully official accreditation.
For this unit, like all the other units, to obtain this accreditation went through a thorough and engaging process which sees a constructivit approach to unit design. The desing of the unit start off, with the academic experts from the four partner higher education institutions / Universities to design the foundation of the unit. That was challenged by field experts and potential learners. This idea of engaging learners to critically give feedback about unit design during the initial design process, and not as a post learning feedback is rather innovative.
Once the feedback was collected, the unit was polished further and a first final draft was issued. This was passed to Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo (MCAST, Malta) who was responsible for the first phase of internal (within the project) quality assurance. Dr Ceray Aldemir from Mugla Sitki Kocman University was the second person to review this first final draft. The feedback from this first phase of internal QA was passed on to the unit writers coming from the four partners, who were requested to consider the feedback and come up with a more polished version of the unit. This process was once more followed for the second phase of internal quality assurance which this time round saw Dr Ladislav Petrovic and Dr Sergio Lara Bercial from the International Council for Coaching Excellence to review the unit.
A third and more polished version was sent to the MCAST Education & Training Programmes Office for review and accreditation. Unit 1, ‘Introduction to Sports Coaching’ was duly granted following the necessary processes.